This Castle is better known as "Predjama Castle", but i prefer its older name, the first name i was told as a child, since it reminds me of the adventures of its owner, the bandit Erazmus Lueger. The legend says that during a siege he used to mock the besieging soldiers by dropping on their heads fresh fruits and vegetables. The maze of tunnels that links the cave behind the castle with the above plateau and, so they say, with Vipava river infact allowed him a constant contribution of food from the surrounding farms. Erazmus was killed by treason: one of his servants told his enemies the place where the knight used to sleep, and that place of course became their target.
Benché a non più di mezz'ora di macchina da Trieste, erano almeno quindici anni che non ci andavo... sicuramente da prima delle recenti ristrutturazioni. Ho trovato il posto assolutamente delizioso, circondato da un paesaggio da favola :)
Although there is no more than half an hour drive from Trieste, I haven't been there for at least fifteen years. For sure it was before recent renewing works... I found it absolutely pleasant and surrounded by a faery tale landscape...
Pastelli ad olio su carta - 40*30 cm
Copyright © Cristina Marsi. All rights reserved!
sì, proprio un bel posto, forse abbiamo anche rischiato di incontrarci, sabato scorso siamo andati a postumia e poi abbiamo visitato anche il castello
Hehe, per un pelo, io ci sono stata domenica :)